Personal Training
Each person’s body is unique due to genetics, past history and injuries. There is no “One Program Fits All”. Our personal trainers tailor each workout to your individual body in order to maximize results and ultimately achieve your health and fitness goals.
Personal training gives you more results with less energy in less time by applying a correct fitness program suited for your goals, teaching proper exercise techniques, and assessing muscle imbalances.
At The Workout Pro we offer many different options for training. Something to fit everyone’s individual needs and budget.
- Session By Session – $95/hour
- Package of 10+ – $85/hour
- Time slot -$75/hour
- Buddy Training -$55/hour each
Session By Session
Would be writing a check for your training at the end of every appointment. The people that do this usually travel a lot and or are very uncommitted.
Package of 10+
This saves you some money by showing your commitment and allows you the flexibility to schedule sessions as you like. People that cannot workout very consistent from week to week like firefighters that have ABC days or people that travel tend to use this option.
A Time Slot
Would be paying up front for continued training a specific time. For example someone training twice a week with me comes in on Monday at 7am and Wednesday at 5pm, those are their time slots and they would pay for however many Mondays and Wednesdays there are for the month. They then own this time, if they cannot make a session they can send someone in their place. This is by far the most popular training option, it keeps the client consistent and accountable and saves some money so even if you did end up having to miss one you still come out ahead over other price options
Buddy Training
is two or more people training with me during the same session. This is also very popular. It creates a nice “flow” to the workout, gives you a since of camaraderie (we’re in this together) and saves you money. Obviously this is for people that are consistent with their workout schedule. Many people start one on one with me, then I pair them with someone of similar fitness level and goals. Husband/wife teams can work for a little while but the workouts tend to take different directions due to different fitness goals. (men and women don’t train the same)
Cancellation Policy
I do have a 24 hour cancelation policy on training appointments. I understand life happens, so I can be lenient but people that make a habit of canceling last min will be charged for the session. Doing so is taking away the opportunity for someone else to have that spot and does the client no good by continually missing appointments.